
Commands and Options


squigualiser reform [OPTIONS] -c --bam basecall_moves.sam -o reform.paf
squigualiser reform [OPTIONS] --bam basecall_moves.sam -o reform.tsv

Convert basecaller’s move table to ss string format. For more information refer reform.


squigualiser realign [OPTIONS] -c --bam minimap2.sam --paf reform_output.paf -o realign_output.paf
squigualiser realign [OPTIONS] -c --bam minimap2.bam --paf reform_output.paf -o realign_output.paf
squigualiser realign [OPTIONS] --bam minimap2.bam --paf reform_output.paf -o realign_output.sam
squigualiser realign [OPTIONS] --bam minimap2.bam --paf reform_output.paf -o realign_output.bam

Realign signal to reference using cigar string and the move table. For more information refer realign.


squigualiser plot [OPTIONS] -f reads.fasta -s reads.slow5 -a reform.paf -o output_dir
squigualiser plot [OPTIONS] -f reads.fastq -s reads.slow5 -a reform.paf -o output_dir
squigualiser plot [OPTIONS] -f reads.fasta -s reads.slow5 -a realign.sam -o output_dir
squigualiser plot [OPTIONS] -f reads.fasta -s reads.slow5 -a realign.paf.gz -o output_dir

Plot read/reference - signal alignments.


squigualiser plot_pileup [OPTIONS] -f genome.fasta -s reads.slow5 -a realign.sam -o output_dir --region chr1:20000-20400
squigualiser plot_pileup [OPTIONS] -f genome.fasta -s reads.slow5 -a realign.paf.gz -o output_dir --region chr1:20000-20400

Plot reference - signal alignment pileups.


squigualiser plot_tracks [OPTIONS] -f commands.txt -s reads.slow5 -a reform.paf -o output_dir

Plot multiple reference - signal alignment pileup tracks.


squigualiser calculate_offsets [OPTIONS] -f reads.fasta -s reads.slow5 -a reform.paf -o output_dir

A utility program to calculate the most significant base index given a kmer model or a read - signal alignment.


squigualiser metric [OPTIONS] -f reads.fasta -s reads.slow5 -a reform.paf -o output.tsv
squigualiser metric [OPTIONS] -f reads.fastq -s reads.slow5 -a reform.paf -o output.tsv
squigualiser metric [OPTIONS] -f reads.fasta -s reads.slow5 -a realign.sam -o output.tsv
squigualiser metric [OPTIONS] -f reads.fasta -s reads.slow5 -a realign.paf.gz -o output.tsv

Parse the ss string to calculate basic statistics of the read/reference - signal alignments. The arguments are almost the same as for plot and plot_pileup tools. Instead of generating figures metric will generate statistics after parsing the ss string. These statistics are written to the output file.